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The Daily Beast - Opinion - Supreme Court Just Dropped a Big L on Partisan Gerrymandering

Surprise! The conservative leaning Court squashed "independent state legislature theory," saying state courts have the authority to rule on election shenanigans. But by a vote of six to three, the Court categorically rejected the so-called independent state legislature (ISL) theory, the argument at the center of these dire predictions. America’s experiment in self-government lives another day.


Electoral Reform Is a Good Idea. Mandatory Voting Is Not.

There are good reasons to be thinking outside the box when it comes to elections. There is a rising tide of bipartisan agreement on the need for reforms to strengthen democracy and reduce the runaway spiral of polarization. Options such as ranked choice voting, nonpartisan primaries, and multi-member districts are all worth considering.


Rainey Center President Joins POLITICO Panel on Climate Change

Rainey Center President Sarah Hunt was recently part of POLITICO's Global Impact: Climate Change and Our Health panel.